miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Día de las letras gallegas

  Since 1963, this day is to pay tribute to those people that stand out making literature in galicien. Each year it's dedicated to a different person: in 1963 it was a tribute to Rosalía de Castro, in 1964 was a tribute to Castelao, others tributes were for Alfonso X El Sabio, Otero Pedrayo, Álvaro Cunqueiro, Eduardo Blanco Amor... And this year is for... ¡Roberto Vidal Bolaño!
He was a galicien man, that was born in Santiago De Compostela in 1950 and he died in 2002. He was a writter and an actor. He renew and update the literature and theatre in galicien.

Why is it celebrated on May, 17?
  Because, in Vigo, it was published the first exemplary of Cantares Galegos by Rosalía de Castro, that mark the Galicien's culture resurgence. And it's one of the most important facts in galicien literature.

  As all years, in our school little children decorate our backyard, and as soon as we can, we are going to put some photos and you could see their beautiful creations.

 Alejandra Nóbrega Viñuelas

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